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Impact of Social Media on Divorce

In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It connects us with friends, family and even strangers from around the world. However, the same platforms that bring people together can also be a source of conflict and distress, especially during difficult…

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What is Parental Responsibility?

Parental Responsibility (PR) is a legal term that outlines the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority parents have regarding their child's upbringing and well-being. In the United Kingdom PR is a fundamental concept in family law, guiding decisions related to a child's upbringing, education,…

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Representing Yourself In Court

A litigant in person, often referred to by the abbreviation "LiP," is an individual who has made the conscious decision to represent themselves in legal proceedings, foregoing…

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The Phenomenon of Grey Divorce

Navigating Life's Later Chapters In recent decades a new trend has emerged in the realm of relationships and family dynamics: the "grey divorce." This term refers to the increasing number of divorces among couples who are in the later stages of their lives, typically over the age of 50 or 60.…

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The Emotional Toll of Divorce

The Emotional Toll of Divorce: Navigating a Sea of Emotions Divorce is a life-altering event that marks the end of a significant chapter in a person's life. Beyond the legal and financial aspects, divorce takes an immense emotional toll on all parties involved—spouses, children and even…

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Managing Long-Distance Child Arrangements

Nurturing Relationships In today's increasingly globalized world it is not uncommon for parents to find themselves living in different cities, counties or even countries. When a family faces the challenge of managing long-distance…

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Being a Litigant in Person in Financial Proceedings

Navigating the Legal Landscape Alone: Financial proceedings within the United Kingdom's legal system can be intricate and demanding, particularly during divorce or separation. When one embarks on this…

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Adversarial Court Process

Navigating the adversarial court process for financial orders during a divorce in the UK can be a challenging and complex experience. In the United…

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Achieving Fairness in Marital Financial Settlements

Marital financial settlements hold immense importance in divorce proceedings within the UK, ensuring an equitable division of assets and liabilities. This article delves into the factors and legal framework specific to the UK that contribute to achieving fairness in these settlements. Understanding Marital Financial Settlements Marital financial settlements…

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How To Be A Good Single Parent

Navigating Parenthood Solo: A Guide to Being a Good Single Parent Introduction Being a single parent comes with its unique set of challenges and rewards. It necessitates strength, resilience and love beyond measure. The journey of single parenthood demands courage…

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The Pitfalls of a 'Kitchen Table Agreement' in Divorce Financial Settlements

Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process, especially when it comes to dividing assets and settling financial matters. In some cases, couples attempt to reach an…

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How to Broach the Subject of Divorce

A Guide to Delicate Conversations. Divorce is a deeply personal and emotionally charged topic and discussing it with your spouse is a delicate matter. This conversation can…

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