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A Guide to Life After Divorce

Life After Divorce in a Digital Age Divorce remains a significant life-altering event and the process of adjusting to life after divorce continues to evolve. The…

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CAFCASS stands for the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service It is an important agency in the United Kingdom, operates independently and is responsible for…

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Most Common Reason for Divorce in the UK

The reasons for divorce in the UK are many and varied: here are some of the re-occurring and most common reasons: *Communication Breakdown In…

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The No Fault Divorce System in the UK

The UK's No-Fault Divorce Process: A Breakthrough in Marital Dissolution Divorce has long been a challenging and emotionally taxing process, both for the parties involved and the legal system. In the UK the process of divorce has traditionally…

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Pension Sharing on Divorce

Pensions are considered to be marital assets and must be taken into account in the divorce financial settlement. A pension can be either: • Defined benefit pension or a defined contribution pension. • Defined benefit pension is based on salary and the number of years worked. • Defined contribution…

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What If I Do Not Agree to Mediation?

If you choose not to agree to mediation in the UK, there are several potential consequences that you should be aware of. Mediation is a process that involves a neutral third party assisting disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. It's often used in various legal matters,…

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Consequences Of Not Following A Child Arrangements Order

In the UK when a court issues a child arrangements order, it outlines the specific arrangements regarding the living and contact arrangements for a child when their parents are separated or divorced. This order is legally binding and both…

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Effects of Separation and Divorce on Children

The effects of parents splitting up on children are profound and far-reaching, influencing their emotional, psychological and social well-being. Divorce or separation can introduce significant challenges and changes into a child's life, often leading to a range of emotional responses and long-term consequences.…

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When A Child Doesn't Want to Visit Other Parent

Navigating a Delicate Situation: When a Child Doesn't Want to Go to the Other Parent Divorce or separation can be a tumultuous experience for all parties involved, especially children. One common challenge…

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What Is A Child Arrangements Order?

A Child Arrangements Order (CAO) in the United Kingdom is a legal instrument of considerable significance, established under the aegis of the Children Act 1989. This legislative provision is designed to resolve and elucidate the complex matters that arise when parents or guardians, due to separation or divorce, need to…

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Mediation Services in the UK

Mediation Services in the UK: Facilitating Resolution and Enhancing Relationships Mediation has emerged as a vital and effective process in resolving conflicts across various domains within the United Kingdom. With its emphasis on fostering open communication, understanding and…

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Your Guide To Child Maintenance

Child maintenance is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being of children after a separation or divorce. In the United Kingdom, the government has established guidelines and systems to facilitate fair and consistent child maintenance arrangements. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of child maintenance in…

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